Small but significant changes to both ISO 9001 and ISO 14001

ISO 9001:2015 Amendment 1:2024

The ISO 9001:2015 standard, which focuses on quality management systems, has been amended to include climate change considerations. This amendment, effective from February 22, 2024, involves changes to two key clauses:

  1. Clause 4.1 - Understanding the Organization and Its Context: Organizations are now required to determine whether climate change is a relevant issue for their operations. This means they must assess how climate change impacts their business environment and processes.

  2. Clause 4.2 - Understanding the Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties: A note has been added emphasising that interested parties might have requirements related to climate change. This highlights the need for organizations to consider and address climate-related expectations from stakeholders​.

These changes ensure that organisations consider the implications of climate change in their quality management systems to enhance their resilience and adaptability to environmental challenges.

ISO 14001:2015 Updates

ISO 14001, which focuses on environmental management systems, has also been updated to incorporate climate action more explicitly. The amendments align with broader climate action goals and sustainability practices, pushing organisations to integrate environmental considerations into their strategic planning and operations​.

Practical Steps for Implementation

What you should do:

  • Update Documentation

  • Engage Stakeholders

  • Revise Policies and Objectives

Impact on Certification

These amendments do NOT require new certification but organisations must review and potentially update their management systems to demonstrate climate change has been considered in their quality management processes and stakeholder interactions.

For further details, please contact us

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